The Asset Treasury Review 2025

Thank you for participating in Asset Benchmark Research Treasury Review. Your views help raise the bar in the treasury and finance function and in how service providers can improve the quality of their engagement with you. With the role of treasury and finance in driving a company’s sustainability agenda, we have introduced an ESG focus section for this year’s Review. The survey, which will take less than 8 minutes, is customized based on your area/s of expertise.

Information and responses will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for the purpose of this research. Collected data will be presented on an aggregated basis. Contact details are required in order to confirm the eligibility of the responses. Your contact information will not be shared with any third party.


Asset Benchmark Research

Respondent details

*required field

* Please answer the following questions

* Where are you based and which industry are you in?


* Is your organization:

* Company size :

* What best describes your organization?

* How is your treasury operation set up?

Where is your regional treasury centre located?

* Group turnover (US$)

In the organization you work for, what are your major responsibility/ies ? 

Choose all that apply, you will then need to answer the relevant section(s) from your area of expertise

Are you interested in sustainable finance?

* Do you do business with mainland China?

Cash and liquidity management

*required field

Please choose three factors when selecting providers of cash management services.

In terms of service quality, please choose three factors that make a “great” cash management partner in your opinion/experience?

How satisfied are you with your bank(s)? 

Please provide all the banks you engaged with.
Name of banksSatisfaction level

Please choose three treasury goals in terms of importance to you.

Drag to the right-hand column
  • Ensure liquidity
  • Improve cash flow forecasting
  • Increase cash visibility
  • Increase control over cash
  • Increase straight-through processing
  • Lower cash flow variability (by hedging market risks)
  • Optimize finance costs
  • Optimize yields on financial assets
  • Streamline compliance with regulations
  • Strengthen credit ratings
  • Implement sustainability into treasury operations

Have you already employed any of the following treasury/cash management tools?

Do you plan to employ any of the following treasury/cash management tools?

Which of the following activities have you centralized or plan to centralize at a regional or global level?

Where do you centralize or plan to centralize your finance and treasury operations and for what reason?

because of:

How would you classify your treasury centre, today and in three years’ time?

Cost centreProfit centreAdded value centre (strategic and advisory)
In three years’ time

Are you using short-term corporate investment solutions?

 Eg. Money market funds

Please specify the asset management company/bank that offers you short-term corporate investment solutions.


*required field

Please choose three factors in terms of importance when choosing a working capital and trade finance provider for your business.

In terms of service quality, please choose three factors that make a “great” working capital and trade finance partner in your opinion/experience?

How satisfied are you with your bank(s)?

Please provide all the banks you engaged with.
Name of bankSatisfaction level

In 2025, please choose three preferred sources of funding.

*required field

Please nominate who should win sales manager of the year.

First NameSurnameBankEmail addressLocation

Please share your thoughts on your nominated sales manager.

Please nominate who should win relationship manager of the year.

First NameSurnameBankEmail addressLocation

Please share your thoughts on your nominated relationship manager.

Please nominate who should win implementation manager of the year.

First NameSurnameBankEmail addressLocation

Please share your thoughts on your nominated implementation manager.

Please nominate who should win client servicing manager of the year.

First NameSurnameBankEmail addressLocation

Please share your thoughts on your nominated client service manager.

*required field

* Does your organization have ESG targets?

*required field

Which part(s) of your organization is /are primarily responsible for driving ESG targets?

What are the key ESG challenges faced by your organization?

Does your organization produce periodic ESG disclosure reports?

Has your organization set up net-zero targets in line with climate science (e.g., Science-Based Target Initiative)?

Does your organization quantify carbon emissions?

Do you use third-party provider(s) to access and score the ESG practices of your suppliers?

Please provide the name(s) of the third-party provider(s)

What are your primary objectives in the next 3 years with respect to ESG?

Please choose three

Is your company facing any of the following hurdles to define or implement an ESG strategy?

What are the financial hurdles in implementing ESG strategies?

To what extent do you integrate ESG considerations into financial decision-making and risk management processes?

Choose from a scale of 1-5, 5 being fully integrated

Which banks does your company see as the strongest partner(s) in ESG? 


Does your company use any of the following sustainable finance products?

eg. sustainability-linked or KPI-linked products, use of proceeds – green, social or sustainable products

Others, please specify:

Has your company established a Sustainable Financing Framework to facilitate sustainable finance?

How would you describe your current knowledge of sustainable finance products?

Do you have specific targets to allocate part of your surplus cash to sustainable deposits?

In your opinion, is Sustainable Trade and Supply Chain Finance an efficient tool to:


*required field

* Which IT tools/systems do you use to operate treasury activities?

How important is e-commerce transactions to your business today?

What do you think are the biggest financial challenges facing e-commerce platforms today?

Please choose three

* Which function in your company would benefit the most from greater application of technology in your opinion?

Which type of emerging treasury technology have you already deployed in your treasury function?

Which type of emerging treasury technology do you think is the most challenging to implement at your organization?

What best describes your current sentiment around central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)?

Why are you not interested in examining the development of CBDCs? (Please tick all that apply) 

Treasury risk management

*required field

* Please choose three treasury risks that concern you the most.

What percentage of your foreign currency exposure do you hedge (internally or through external markets)?

What prevents you from hedging your FX exposure?

Which products/strategies do you employ to hedge your FX risks?

In the past 12 months, have currency exchange movements negatively affected income in the reporting currency at your organization?

Supply chain management

*required field

* Do you currently have a supply chain finance programme?

What type of supply chain finance programme have you implemented or plan to implement?

Please choose three benefits you have derived or you foresee to derive from your supply chain finance programme

What type of platform do you use or plan to use for your supply chain management programme?

Are you interested in deep tier financing?

* In the past year have you shifted your supply chain given the changing market environment?


*required field

Are you currently using RMB in your business operations?


*required field

Current proportion of RMB business:

Please rank top three RMB products and services that your institution primarily utilizes.

  • Trade finance services.
  • Cross-border payments and remittances
  • Foreign exchange transactions.
  • Bonds or debt instruments.
  • Wealth management products.
  • Clearing and settlement services.
  • Cash management products (Eg. deposits and loans)

Please rank the top three main benefits or advantages of using RMB compared to other currencies?

  • Cost savings in financing
  • Access to the Chinese market
  • Better trade relationships
  • Reduced exchange rate risk
  • Easier cross-border transactions
  • Higher returns on RMB investments
  • Financial stability

What are the main pain points or obstacles your institution encountered when using RMB?

 (can choose more than one answer)

What factors would encourage your institution to further expand its usage of RMB in the future?

 (can choose more than one answer)

What are your primary demands or expectations regarding the usage of RMB in your institution's operations?

 (can choose more than one answer)

Which areas or aspects of RMB internationalization would you like to see further improvement or development?

 (can choose more than one answer)

What are the factors for choosing a RMB partner bank? 

(Please select in order of priority, more than one answer)
  • Long-term good cooperative relationship
  • Efficiency and stable of transaction processing
  • Competitive pricing and promotion
  • Offering one-stop shop business solutions
  • Responsive support
  • Brand image

Are there any specific strategies or initiatives that you believe banks should consider to enhance RMB products and services?

 (can choose more than one answer)

Please name your top three counterparties for RMB services and rate the level of support and assistance

(From 1 to 5, 5 being extremely satisfied).
BankSatisfaction level

Expectations for overall RMB market development next year:

Reasons for being optimistic:

(can choose more than one answer)

Reasons for being pessimistic:

Will you increase the proportion of RMB business in the next year?


*required field

Does your company have a finance and treasury management department outside of mainland China?

Please choose main three tasks of your current offshore treasury operations.

In which location(s) have you currently set up your finance and treasury management department outside of mainland China?

Within the next two years, do you plan to expand your existing offshore finance and treasury management department?

Please choose the additional three main tasks of your planned expanded offshore treasury operations.

In which other additional location(s) are you considering to set up a finance and treasury management department outside of mainland China?

What would encourage you to set up your overseas finance and treasury department?

Please choose three main tasks of your planned offshore treasury operations.

In which location(s) do you plan to set up your finance and treasury management department outside of mainland China?

General questions

*required field

Which credit rating agency do you prefer to work with?

Please explain why you prefer to work with the selected credit rating agency

In 2025, how will your department’s budget compare to 2024?

How does your team track tax and regulatory developments?

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Thank you very much for your time and valued participation.

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